Friday, January 8, 2021

 Repulsor Executioner Review.

I absolutely love the look of the newer Primaris models. Their appeal is both new and refreshing to the hobby. Yes. I know they're just bigger space marines, but the model line and build have the look of what Space Marines should've looked like 10-15 years ago. That's the great thing about all the advancement in model casting and the plethora of miniature designers today, we get these amazing kits!

What's cooler than a floating tank covered in guns. I cant think of to many things.

Lets talk about its cost now (375pts loaded) and what my thoughts are.

1st Off. This would be an amazing Heavy Support slotted choice for Ironhands or another faction that loves to sit and shoot, especially with access to buffed strats. Maybe even Dark Angels.
Assault Eccentric Armies? Not so much.

Pros:                                                                Cons: 
              Lots of Dakka. Not tons, but lots.                            Limited Weaponry Choices
                         Excellent Movement                                       Low Transport Capacity
                        Great Main Weaponry                Almost zero customization (#primarisproblems)
                  Hight Toughness and Armor                                    Overpriced in points

 In general the tank looks great. It doesn't fit so much or perform any roles I cant perform better with other options at my disposal unfortunately, but I still love it.

The Gladiator Tanks can do what this does (minus transporting 6 marines) better at a much higher proficiency and cost. The same goes for its transport capacity, just take an Impulsor if you really need to get to a certain spot cost effectively with 6 lads, or take your standard Repulsor, who will out perform the Executioner in both transporting an entire unit and Anti-Tank capacity (345pts Loaded).

I think that's the Repulsors greatest Achilles Heel. You have to be in love with the look.
Directly compared to the Repulsor, outside of having a few more lower strength anti-infantry shots, its going to be worse at dealing with armor/tanks, worse at transporting guys around the table, and it's going to cost more doing it.

If you were looking for an amazing model, with a cool look, and a really, really good Macro Plasma gun. This is it. Couple it with a Primaris Techmarine and watch it delete units at full wounds (2+ BS on all shots at full wounds for all guns).

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