Saturday, January 9, 2021

 Ghazghkull Thrakka

The beast himself.
What an amazing figure kit, and it's been a long time coming for sure. As a lifetime Ork player, and Im talking more than 20 years, I have been waiting for a ork model of this size forever.

Lets talk a little bit about the beast in game.

Coming in at 300 Points, with one Goff Centric Ability, and the ability to be taken in any
detachment, even if they're not Goff, I will say his abilities and auras definitely are strongest in a Goff Army.
As a Badmoons Player, I dont super care about that, and I'll play him with my Badmoons anyways, because... well... look at him! He's amazing.

An absolute monster in melee. Capable of taking down Named Characters and Imperial Knights alike... how do you stop him? (he also has a special rule that limits him to taking a maximum of 4 wounds per phase, but he gets more attacks the more wounded he becomes).
Simple. Probably to easy if you ask me. For his same points you should easily be able to field a psycher and a basic troops unit or two from any faction, and to be honest, this is all you'll need.

300pts to 300pts this is where he's weakest. He is an absolute tank, but he needs Makari or a PainBoy nearby to make it through the entire game, even with his 4++ Invu.l and 4 wounds max per phase.
He cant do anything about Smite, or like abilities. Simply throwing a couple damage spells his way will really slow him down. Couple that with you only need a wound or two in the shooting phase and he's 1/3 dead in no time.
Come melee.... if you have a reliable high number of attacks (AP not super important here) then a few are bound to sneak through and make the old man sad. 💀💀💀

What's he good at then?
Nothing screams "I better do something about this model with my entire army right now," like actually seeing it on the table, and seeing his stats and skill tree. He is a buff character with an impressive stat line who can krump most foes. As he should. He can defend himself but da best warboss knows when to throw some gretchin in da way. 🙌

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